To unlock Sunyshore City in Pokémon Pearl and Diamond you have to beat Team Galactic. They can be found at Mt. Coronet.
The Underground or Sunyshore City
=you have to of done all seven badges to get there. You shold be able to after then. By the way the 8th gym is in sunyshore city.=
HM07 is waterfall and you get it by talking to the girl that's at the north part in sunyshore city on the sand.Her name is jasmine and she gives you waterfall but to use it you need to beat the electric gym in sunyshore city.
the very first swimmer at the top of sunyshore city before you get to the elite 4 has one
You cant
Between Sunyshore City and Route 223.
The Underground, and Sunyshore City
The Underground or Sunyshore City
The last Gym is in Sunyshore City.
In sunyshore city. I don't no where in sunyshore.
Sunyshore City
Very north of sunyshore city.
You will have to beat team galatic at the pillar to get to sunyshore
You can get to Sunyshore city in Pokemon Pear after you defeat the first seven gym badges and Cyrus at the stone pillars. The entrance to Sunyshore is to the right of the beach resort.
It doesn't do anything. It's just there for decoration. Sorry.