The song is on all systems. It is an encore that you play in co-op career mode. I can remember which encore it is but I do know that.
It is the final encore in coop mode.
You have to buy. It is in a foreigner DLC.
you buy him
No. You can only use it on the guitar hero games after guitar hero 3.
To unlock the Grim Ripper character, simply accumulate $10,00 (or is it $15,000?) and buy him from the store.
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it should be in the bonus songs in your songs list and i think you unlock it in co-op play. hope i helped
Nope, the cheat to unlock Bret Michaels as a vocalist is not included in the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3. Nope, the cheat to unlock Bret Michaels as a vocalist is not included in the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3.
You have to buy. It is in a foreigner DLC.
you buy him
You cannot unlock somewhere over the rainbow in GH3. 'Nuff said, nub.
Yes; the song "Monsters" is one of the Co-op encore songs. The easiest way to get is use the unlock all songs cheat.
You don't unlock him, you just buy him.
Monsters is performed by the band Matchbook Romance, from the album "Voices".
you need to use a cheat
You can find all the Guitar Hero 3 Cheats Codes, like Air Guitar, Unlock Everything and Hyperspeed by using one of the Related Links below.
You can download it from the internet. Or see if you can unlock it in the game.