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There are two ways to unlock diamond camo. The first is to complete all camo unlocks in a class of weapons, for example if I wanted a diamond ballistic knife I would have to get all the camo unlocks for the ballistic knife and the assault shield because their in the same class (Specials). The second way is to reach prestige master, when you reach the maximum level at 10th prestige they will give you all weapons, their respective camos and unlocks, equipment, perks, wildcards, emblems, and calling cards are automatically and permanently unlocked.

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Q: How do you unlock Diamond Camo in Call of duty Blackops 2?
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How many prestiges is there on Call of Duty Black Ops?

There are 15. But you unlock gold camo at prestige 14.

Is the diamond camofladge real in bo?

yes it is you unlock it after you unlock gold for a gun category like snipers or smgs or lmgs or pistols or anything u just have to get all of the guns in a class gold to get diamond camo in black ops 2.

How do you get diamond camo for black ops 2?

To get diamond camo on Black Ops 2, you will need to all of the weapon camouflage for each gun. Once all of the weapons are unlocked, the diamond camo will be available for use.

How do you get diamond camo black ops 2?

To get diamond camo on Black Ops 2, you will need to all of the weapon camouflage for each gun. Once all of the weapons are unlocked, the diamond camo will be available for use.

When do you unlock gold camo in black ops?

You unlock gold camo in black ops, when you reach prestige level 14, level 25.

What is the web code to unlock skylander camo?

Camo is not yet released and I believe that no code would be valid until then.

How do you get rainbow camo on Black Ops for xBox 360?

To get Diamond camo in Black ops 2 you need to unlock the gold camo for all weapons in that category, Example To unlock Diamond camo for Mp 7 you need to have the gold camo for all the other Sub Machine Guns. Hope this helped.

When do you unlock the golden gun in black ops?

i think its camo not a gold gun maybe on level 14 prestige check it on the game in camo there is a classified camo maybe that's it??

How do you use the camo you unlock by completing the game on mgs4?

its available when you get the mkII

Can you unlock gold camo on player match on black ops?

To unlock Gold Camo you must reach 14th Prestige and then purchase all the camos on the weapon you want Gold on then Gold will unlock. It costs a hefty amount - 50,000 CoD Points.

How many levels of prestige are there in Call of Duty Black Ops?

i believe there are 15 prestige levels in call of duty black ops.once compeleted 15th prestige you will unlock gold camo for all of your weapons.

How do you get diamond camo for the pdw-57 i black ops 2 for ps3?

To get Diamond on any gun you have to get Gold on every other gun in the same group. So since PDW is a SMG (Sub Machine Gun) You have to get gold on every sub machine gun including PDW and then you unlock Diamond.