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Get to 14th prestige, and then buy the gold camo for 50,000 COD points from the camo list.

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Q: How do you get the gold camo on Call of Duty Black Ops?
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Related questions

How many prestiges is there on Call of Duty Black Ops?

There are 15. But you unlock gold camo at prestige 14.

How do get gold guns on Call of Duty Black Ops?

By getting 14th prestige. Once you get it, it unlocks the "gold" camo for all guns

How much is gold camo in black ops?

The same as all other camos, 500 call of duty points.

How many levels of prestige are there in Call of Duty Black Ops?

i believe there are 15 prestige levels in call of duty black ops.once compeleted 15th prestige you will unlock gold camo for all of your weapons.

How do you glitch for gold guns on call of duty black ops?

you cant, it will work for a little while but shortly after treyarch will patch the glitch and take your camo.

How do you get gold guns call of duty black ops?

When you become prestige 15 level 50 go to camo for your gun and go down to the bottom and click on gold. It costs 50,000.

Are you able to prestige on Call of Duty Black Ops Combat Training?

Unfortunately, no. But if u want gold guns u can do a split screen match and add combat training bots if u want to and have gold camo.

Why is the map pack for call of duty modern warfare 2 not working?

There was a update for the Camo on the shotguns and the gold desert eagle.

How do you get gold camo after 14 prestigest on black ops?

buy te camo

When do you unlock gold camo in black ops?

You unlock gold camo in black ops, when you reach prestige level 14, level 25.

What is the best camo in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Gold email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...

Are there any cheat codes for call of duty mw3 on the xbox?

There are around twenty cheat codes for the Call of Duty MW3 game for the Xbox. Some of the cheat codes are the secret killstreak, gold camo, and easy XP.