You can't... only thing that's not good about it. The only time you can trade is with the people in the game itself.
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed
Mankey right before cerulean
hi, they trade in episode 523 (pokemon DP 55) for ash's aipom and dawns Buziel!
In rocks inside the caves. Its random no cheats for that shittt.
Ash catches all the pokemon
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon Firered
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed
I think koga
what we have to do after entering the xanadu nursery in pokemon ash gray
Mankey right before cerulean
Misty will give you the Super Rod after watching her mermaid performance in Pokémon Ash Gray.
hi, they trade in episode 523 (pokemon DP 55) for ash's aipom and dawns Buziel!
The ANSWER is in the CONTROL ROOM. x)
This trade is highly unpossible. The item SACRED ASH can be found in all Pokemon 5th generation games. Also, Phione is a legendary and not many can trade. If you would like to trade, try putting the sacred ash on a rare Pokemon THEN trading. ~Bellafuzz i ment does anyone want to trade me the item sacred ash for my phione You can't trade items for Pokemon, you have to have the item on a Pokemon. When i want to do that, i usually put the item on a crappy Pokemon so its virtually still going to be the ash for phione. I do, i wil trade a level 7 rattata along with it as well, contact me by sending me a message on my message board.