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I think koga

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Q: Where is the fifth gym in Pokemon ash gray?
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What type of Pokemon in the fifth gym in Pokemon White?

The fifth gym in Pokemon white uses the ground type.

What is the fifth gym in pokemon leafgreen?

the 5th gym is saffron gym with sabrina!

Where is silph scope on Pokemon ash gray?

You get it after defeating Sabrina in the saffron city's gym.

Where is the location of the fifth gym in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

In Hearthrome.

Who is the girl that travels with ash in Pokemon Black and White episodes?

Iris is the girl ash travels with, she is also the last gym leader in pokemon white

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Where is the 4th badge in ash gray?

in a gym

What type of Pokemon in the fifth gym in Pokemon White?

The fifth gym in Pokemon white uses the ground type.

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were is the fifth gym leader

Who is the fifth gym leader in Pokemon Platinum?

The fifth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is crasher wake but you get the fourth badge.

Where is the fifth gym leader on Pokemon earl?

The fifth gym leader is fantina.She is in hearthome city.

How do you activate the misty mermaid event on ash gray?

Go to the Gym talk to Misty than go to the pokemon league and go back to Misty

What is the fifth gym in pokemon leafgreen?

the 5th gym is saffron gym with sabrina!

Who is the fifth Gym Leader in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The fifth Gym Leader in Pokemon LeafGreen is Koga, the leader of Fuschia City's Gym. He specializes in Poison-type Pokemon and hands out the Soul Badge.

Pokemon diamond where is the fifth gym leader?

the FIFTH gym leader is in HEARTHROME CITY! Hope that helps!!

How do you get to the 5 gym on Pokemon Diamond?

the fifth gym on Pokemon diamond is the one in herthome city,

Where is the fifth gym located in Pokemon diamond How do I get there?

hearthome gym. you know where that is.

Where is the fifth gym in Pokemon dimond?

the 5th gym is in hearthome city