If you go to the move tutor in the higher level of the survival area.You need to rock climb on the rocks that are on the west side.The move tutor there will teach your Ambipom bounce for 4 red shards 2 yellow shards and 2 green shards.
Ambipom can't learn Bounce via level up or via a TM but a Move Tutor within Route 226 (that you need to Rock Climb to get to) can teach Bounce to Ambipom for 4 Red Scales, 2 Yellow Scales and 2 Green Scales.
Only if the Ambipom is Male and knows Bounce. If it doesn't know bounce and is Female, breed it with a Male Ponyta, Rapidash, Wailmer, Wailord, Spoink, Grumpig, Buneary, or Lopunny who knows bounce.
splash, tackle, flail, and bounce
You don't really find it, unless you mean battles. If you want to get an Ambipom you would want to teach Aipom double hit on lv 30. It might learn that move on lv 30, so good luck with catching/seeing Ambipom.Peace I'm out!
There is no TM Bounce. In Platinum there is a move tutor that will teach it for shards, but no way to get in pearl. I know i was mad when i found out....
Ambipom can't learn Bounce via level up or via a TM but a Move Tutor within Route 226 (that you need to Rock Climb to get to) can teach Bounce to Ambipom for 4 Red Scales, 2 Yellow Scales and 2 Green Scales.
no it does not it can not even learn bounce even if its ambipom
Only if the Ambipom is Male and knows Bounce. If it doesn't know bounce and is Female, breed it with a Male Ponyta, Rapidash, Wailmer, Wailord, Spoink, Grumpig, Buneary, or Lopunny who knows bounce.
I think you should teach substitude to your ambipom Why not focus punch?
You get an Aipom, and teach it Double Hit.
you cant.you have to get apoim to level 32 teach it double hit and he evolves.
aipom evolves into ambipom but ambipom doesn't evolve.
aipom evolves into ambipom at lv33 but ambipom doesnt evolve
they evolve into ambipom
You Can't See Ambipom,If You Want To See A Ambipom,Just Evolve Aipom.
splash, tackle, flail, and bounce
Capture aipom from honey tree and when aipom wants to learn double hit teach it to him then he'll evolve.