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You can't take screenshots.

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Q: How do you take screenshots on animal crossing wild world?
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If I take my person from animal crossing wild world and move it to animal crossing city folk will i get to keep my money in the bank and my save letters?

No, i have tried.

How do you take pictures of animals on Animal Crossing wild world?

I think that your thinking of animal crossing lets go to the city on the wii. You can take screen shots though, but the only place i have seen it is in the shops and houses.

Where do you take the cat in animal crossing wild world?

you connect up with your friend who has the other cat

World of warcraft- Where do your gameplay pictures that you take go?

Screenshots are put in the screenshots folder in your main wow folder.

How can you take someone for coffee in Animal crossing wild world?

you cant. they go have coffee at random times.

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it should work the next time you go onto animal crossing

Your Animal Crossing Wild World quit working after the Nintendo screen What do you do?

Take your game out of your ds and dust out the game slot.

When does the Flea Market take place in Animal Crossing Wild World?

It takes place during the first Saturday of every month.

Is there a Animal Crossing island on Animal Crossing wild world?

yes there is a animal crossing island in ds and game cube you have to give nook 50 fosslis then he will give you a whistle and the whistle will call kapp "n" and he'll take u to the island (kapp n is the 1 that drives u 2 ur town at the beginning of the game)

When does the Acorn Festival take place in Animal Crossing Wild World?

The Acorn Festival takes place throughout the second week of October.

Should i play Animal Crossing or stay on the computer?

animal crossing better than computer . because it does not take long to load or pop ups or scams.

In Animal crossing wild world how long does it usually take for a animal to give you it's picture?

it depends how much you talk to that person! maybe like a week that's how long it took me