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Press the F1 key on your keyboard to take a screenshot.

It's worth mentioning that screenshots can and will overwrite older screenshots. As I recall, you can only take a maximum of five screenshots before older screenshots will be overwritten -- ie, WQscreenshot1 through WQscreenshot5. Taking a sixth screenshot will overwrite WQscreenshot1.

It's best to rename screenshots you want to keep.

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Q: How do you takes screenshots on wolfquest?
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Where does wolfquest save screenshots?

Your documents.

How do you take a screenshot on wolfquest?

press the F1 key. The screenshots are stored in My Documents\WolfQuest2 This info was in a manual found at C:\Program Files\WolfQuest\WolfQuest 2 Manual.pdf

How do you take sreenshots on wolfquest when you have a hp mini?

To take screenshots, you click "F1", depending on your computer, you may need to hold "Fn" at the same time.

When is wolfquest second screenshots coming out?

You can see a preview at: Or you can look at the screen shots at: Hope this helps :) From WolfGal

How do you take screenshots on wolfquest 2?

press F1 or enter if you have a computer, they autimaticly apear in your documents with windows ^^ WARNING! some pictures do NOT show in your file! and it might irritate you lol

When will there be a WolfQuest 3?

I'm probably not much help, :), but it takes a while to make a 3d video game, so probably a while before it comes out(of it comes out) lol I'm a wolfquest fan too!it depends. It takes money to create a game, and right now, wolfquest just doesn't have the money. I suppose we will just have to be patient. You can always read more at the wolfquest website though.

How do you get an account on WolfQuest?

To get a account on WolfQuest, access their site and press the download button (if you already hadn't) Then you go to the community page and click register. It takes about 1 or 2 days but it's worth it!

How do you take screenshots on a roblox game?

There are many ways to take screenshots on ROBLOX, but here are some common ways: -Press the PrtSc [Print Screen] button and paste the screenshot onto an image-editing program. -Download a Screenshot program -WeGame [Records videos and takes screenshots]

How much is wolfquest?

WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.

Who takes the screenshots for the app store?

The developer who creates and submits the app also submits the screenshots. They are 320x480 or 320x460 pixels and either a TIFF or JPEG format. They also submit a 512x512 TIFF of the icon to be used in the App Store.

When wolfquest will be for download?

It is already...actually... WolfQuest 2 and WolfQuest 2.5 are available for download now.

How do you download amethyst mountain delux wolfquest?

You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(