By sending waves of archers or cavs to lower the loyalty to 0 so you can capture it.
Get the loyalty down to zero I say attack it first with 10k warriors and then do spam waves with 3k warriors
It all depends you may have to refresh your browser's, clear you cache. Exit out of the browser and try again. If you still cant, check if evony is down or if you have been banned.
It depends on what you mean by "land".ValleysScout your desired valleyGather enough troops to attackAttack the valleyNon-Playable-Cities (NPCs)/Barbarian villages/towns/forts/citiesScout your desired NPC Your army should consist of archers and layeringGather enough troops to attackLaunch your first waveLaunch your next waves to bring down the loyaltyOther playersScout your desired targetDeclare warGather enough troops to attackLaunch preliminary attack to plunder resources and bring down loyaltyDepending on your motives, the next few steps will be different.ColonizationGather enough troops to colonize your target city ConquestContinue attacking to wear down loyalty. If the gates of your target city are closed, once the loyalty reaches 5, the gates automatically open, and the troops come out to attack. Once you defeat them, continue attacking until the loyalty reaches 0. Once that happens, the city is yours. NOTE: If the target city is your enemy's last city, you cannot conquer it.
If you have beat the 2nd commander in team galactic(she has purple hair(a level 18 zubat and level 20 skuntank)and have got your explorer kit(get in house next to PKMN Center)And have got your bike,(go get one after you beat 2nd commander)then go straight down/south in eterna city and go down the cycling road and u will be able 2 go bak 2 oreburg city>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!
I would not even try to get a bot for evony they are cracking down on people with that stuff,also if you enjoy the game you do not want a bot because you can get banned from the game. Also it is good to play fair you will get great rewards with true playing. i have looked into the bot and told myself "no" and now look at me 1.2 million prestige and started 1 month ago.
Get the loyalty down to zero I say attack it first with 10k warriors and then do spam waves with 3k warriors
This part of the Barbarian training starts by talking to Otto Godblessed. A player must have a Firemaking level of at least 35 in order to burn the oak log that is required for the Barbarian training. Barbarian firemaking works by using any type of bow in the inventory on a log. There is an oak tree down the slope north of Otto.
I think that if your in between level 30 + 40 then you should train on the cockroaches in barbarian village, if you go across the bridge into barbarian village from varrock, then turn to your right and keep going till you come to a prison, go in and down into the cells, then there will be a poster with a trapped door and it will lead to the cockroaches (:
A presbyter is a member of alliance leadership that is a level higher than officer, but a level down from Vice Host. A presbyter may both invite and expel members but is not given the power to set diplomacy.
Go to the Barbarian Village (look it up on the World Map if you don't know where it is). In the mining spot, right in the center of the Barbarian Village, there is a hole - go down that hole.Go to the Barbarian Village (look it up on the World Map if you don't know where it is). In the mining spot, right in the center of the Barbarian Village, there is a hole - go down that hole.Go to the Barbarian Village (look it up on the World Map if you don't know where it is). In the mining spot, right in the center of the Barbarian Village, there is a hole - go down that hole.Go to the Barbarian Village (look it up on the World Map if you don't know where it is). In the mining spot, right in the center of the Barbarian Village, there is a hole - go down that hole.
By raising your title you get access to more cityslots. Then you can either build a city on a conquered valley if you have 10 thousand of each resource and 250 workers, or you can conquer a city from either barbarians or other players by bringing the loyalty in the city down to 0.
It all depends you may have to refresh your browser's, clear you cache. Exit out of the browser and try again. If you still cant, check if evony is down or if you have been banned.
The Stronghold of Security is right under the Barbarian Village. In the center of the mining spot is a hole - click on it to go down beneath the surface.The Stronghold of Security is right under the Barbarian Village. In the center of the mining spot is a hole - click on it to go down beneath the surface.The Stronghold of Security is right under the Barbarian Village. In the center of the mining spot is a hole - click on it to go down beneath the surface.The Stronghold of Security is right under the Barbarian Village. In the center of the mining spot is a hole - click on it to go down beneath the surface.
Stronghold of Secruity is located in the middle of the Barbarian Village down the Entrance surrounded by mining rocks. Stronghold of Player Safety is exactly north of the Barbarian Village and exactly south of Edgeville.
It depends on what you mean by "land".ValleysScout your desired valleyGather enough troops to attackAttack the valleyNon-Playable-Cities (NPCs)/Barbarian villages/towns/forts/citiesScout your desired NPC Your army should consist of archers and layeringGather enough troops to attackLaunch your first waveLaunch your next waves to bring down the loyaltyOther playersScout your desired targetDeclare warGather enough troops to attackLaunch preliminary attack to plunder resources and bring down loyaltyDepending on your motives, the next few steps will be different.ColonizationGather enough troops to colonize your target city ConquestContinue attacking to wear down loyalty. If the gates of your target city are closed, once the loyalty reaches 5, the gates automatically open, and the troops come out to attack. Once you defeat them, continue attacking until the loyalty reaches 0. Once that happens, the city is yours. NOTE: If the target city is your enemy's last city, you cannot conquer it.
If your loyalty goes below 60, the population goes down until the loyalty is raised.
If your food production is negative, the best thing you can do is make sure you FARM A LOT of NPC's around you for the food. So your city does not run out of food. Or you can cut down on the troops in the city. Or you can split the troops over the amount is city's that you have so they can have a positive production of food.