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If you have beat the 2nd commander in team galactic(she has purple hair(a level 18 zubat and level 20 skuntank)and have got your explorer kit(get in house next to PKMN Center)And have got your bike,(go get one after you beat 2nd commander)then go straight down/south in eterna city and go down the cycling road and u will be able 2 go bak 2 oreburg city>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!

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Q: Where do you go after Eterna City on Pokemon Pearl?
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How do you get to eterna city in Pokemon pearl version?

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In Pokemon Diamond\Pearl, you go to the Veilstone City Gym. In Pokemon Platinum, you go to the Hearthome City Gym.

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To get to snowpoint city you have to go through the eterna city opening in mt coronet and go north

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after you batle the odeburgh gym leader you go to eterna city.

How do you get your 2 badge in Pokemon Pearl?

go to Eterna city and defeat the gym leader(she has grass type pokemon).

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Go see in a house beside a Pokemon center in a town. its in eterna city

When do you get the Explorer Kit in Pokemon Pearl?

go to eterna city go to the to the house right next to the Pokemon center and go talk to the old man

How do you get an Bicycle in Pokemon pearl?

In eterna city rescue this guy in a galactic building and then go to a bike shop.

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you go to the eterna forest

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Go to Eterna Forest at night. Only available on Pokemon Pearl.

Where do you get hearbs in Pokemon pearl?

go to the herb shop in Eterna city. It's beside the team galatic building.

Pokemon pearl where do you get a explorer kit?

Go to eterna city and go to the diggers house. It's the one across from the vacant house.