maybe you could use
a Pokemon with the ability shadow tag eg. wynaut, wobbufet
block or a move-restricting move
Yes, but unless he is also asleep/paralyzed/confused (the last two are incredibly luck based), he will just use roar, making your Pokemon flee.
no you cant catch it again it wont apear.By the way, they are the legendary cats, not dogs. The Pokemon Company revealed that Raikou is a tiger, Entei is a lion, and Suicune is a cheetah. That is why they roar, not bark.
To get the shadow Entei in Pokémon Gale of Darkness begin by searching in the Gras. When the shadow is located use mind reader to stop it from getting away.
If you've already scattered the Legendary Dogs, then Entei will be wandering with Raikou across Johto. Your Pokegear has a map with their heads on it - where the head's located, that's where a Dog is. You have to be on the same route with Entei, then just wander in the grass until he appears. He may move, in which case you'll have to follow them to the next route. I suggest a Pokemon with an ability that will prevent Entei from fleeing, as well as possibly a status ailment and obviously something to knock its health down with. Although if you use a move that keeps him from running, he'll use roar to get away
wild in kanto ( after beting elite 4) if you have bulbasur then you get entei, if you have squirtle then you get Raikou, but if you have charmander you get suicune but to catch them you need a master ball i hope i helped you :-) :-) use master ball because of the (roaming roar glitch) if they use roar on u, they disappear from the game forever ( i hate this glitch )
Entei learned roar, you have to catch it with mean look because if you don't do dat he fled. You have to buy 40 ultraballs because it is not easy to catch him. En then you have roar. Entei is lvl 40
skiploom is found just before the bridge on lataloto trail you have to roar using raikou entei or suicune
Entei is a roaming Pokémon that will roam all around the Johto region in Pokémon SoulSilver but will never roam around the Kanto region in the game. Entei will be able to flee from any encounters and it is also capable of using the move called Roar so even if you attempted to block it from escaping with the Mean Look move it can use Roar to escape from the battle so you would have to use a mixture of a plan in order to stop it from escaping and then you would need to use a Pokémon with the Soundproof ability so that Roar will not work on it.
Yes, but unless he is also asleep/paralyzed/confused (the last two are incredibly luck based), he will just use roar, making your Pokemon flee.
Some good advice for trying to catch Entei and Raikou is to use Mean Look and then use Taunt and then go to work on trying to catch them. Using Mean Look will stop them from escaping on its own however they both have Roar in "Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver" which means they can escape by roaring your Pokémon away, having a Pokémon use Taunt will block them from using Roar for a few turns therefore allowing you a few chances in order to try to capture them.
No, Suicune does not know Roar. However, Entei and Raikou do, and if they use it during battle, you won't be able to encounter them in your file again due to a glitch in the game.
you can't permanately get entei to stop fleeing, but you can use mean look(crobat and golbat and jynx can learn it),fight entei with a Pokemon that has shadow tag(wynaut and wobbufet)or fight entei with a Pokemon with arena trap (diglett and dugtrio,but has to be from diglett's cave,which is in kanto)
togepi is on Mitonga road befor you go into daybreak ruins you ride entei and roar
no you cant catch it again it wont apear.By the way, they are the legendary cats, not dogs. The Pokemon Company revealed that Raikou is a tiger, Entei is a lion, and Suicune is a cheetah. That is why they roar, not bark.
yes it does the same for raikou
just keep racing and using roar against highway racers,and doc.
after you catch a glimpse of entei, raikou, and suicune at the burned tower in ecruteak city, you can track entei and raikou using your map.