when the picture of the mysterious legendary Pokemon appears press UP+SELECT+B buttons at the same time.
go jump in a flame pit! :)
Pokemon platinum
At the beginning of the game (right before you click "start game"), scroll down. You will see an option that says "new game." Click on that to start a new game, which will in turn delete your own one.
There is a new Pokemon game coming out soon, which is called 'Pokemon Platinum', the sequel to Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. Giritina is in its reverse world form, shaymin is in its sky form, and there is an entirely new plot in Pokemon Platinum.
You start a new game and start over.
Choose new game on the start menu.
no sorry
delete your game and start a new game with the name galax
when you start press select +B +up arrow thing
No you can not,but maybe in platinum dimond or pearl.
go jump in a flame pit! :)
start a new game and save over it (i think)
You can rid them by start a new game.
yes that deletes your saved file and then u start a new game
only if you beat the elite four again
go to new game and type in Pokemon Platinum for the name and this for the game id : CPUE-D074D1B3
Pokemon platinum