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okay, this might take awhile. First, talk to aunt Artic, than go to the ice rink to find the pictures. go back to her house and give them to her. Than go to the pet shop and click on the little note on top of the puffle house. decode the message, and go to the sports shop. Talk to G and ask about the special items. Enter how many socks he has (Which was in the message) Put the special items into your inventory and go to the ice berg. Talk to the penguins who are stuck on the ice burg in the ocean by using the life preservers you got from the sports shop. After you save them all, go to the ski hill. help fix the telescope by using your wrench from your spy phone (hit tools) look through his telescope and you can see the puffles if you look far enough to the left. than go to the tallest mountain and look up. use your graveling hook to get up there. You will find the puffles and return to aunt Artic's igloo. Hope this helped and have fun!

~CP master, Blueshue

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Q: How do you solve the Case of the Missing Puffles on Club Penguin?
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Case of the missing puffles is the first mission its where aunt arctic loses her puffles.

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In Club Penguin what is the secret number for the case of the missing puffles?

The answer is coded in a note in the pet shop.

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The answer is in the pet shop, it changes every time you do the mission.

Club Penguin-Where do you get the gift on mission Case of the Missing Puffles?

Get photos from the ice rink and then give them to Aunt Arctic.

Where are the 2 puffles on case of the missing puffles?

On the tallest mountain.

What do you do to the flying puffles on mission 1 on club penguin?

You find it at the top of the mountain. If still stuck go to

What is up on tallest mountain a mission on club penguin called case of a missing puffle?

Aunt Arctic's puffles should be up there somewhere!