You simply insert a piece of iron ore into a furnace, and put in some coal, charcoal or wood for fuel
It is crafted like a boat only with iron ingots Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
First you have to smelt the Iron Ore into Iron Ingots at a furnace. Then at a crafting table, place an Iron Ingot in each of the nine slots, to make an Iron Block.
In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.
Once you find a diamond ore, you will need either an iron pickaxe or a diamond pickaxe to mine it. If you try to mine it with a wood, stone, or gold pick, the diamond will simply disappear. To make an iron pickaxe, you first need to smelt three iron ores in a furnace. Use the iron ingots to make a pick: Top row: Iron ingot, Iron ingot, Iron ingot. Middle row: blank, stick, blank bottom row: blank, stick, blank
You have to use an iron pickaxe. Then you can smelt the gold in a furnace to get a gold ingot.
It is crafted like a boat only with iron ingots Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
First you have to smelt the Iron Ore into Iron Ingots at a furnace. Then at a crafting table, place an Iron Ingot in each of the nine slots, to make an Iron Block.
You dig undergrond and look for iron smelt the iron u get an iron Ingot put that next to flint which yup get from gravel put that diagonal in the crafting table and you get a flint and steel if you get stuck again look on minecraft wiki :)
You dig undergrond and look for iron smelt the iron u get an iron Ingot put that next to flint which yup get from gravel put that diagonal in the crafting table and you get a flint and steel if you get stuck again look on minecraft wiki :)
Not possible yet.
Get some iron, smelt it, then get some wood, turn it into planks, then into sticks. Then put them together in a workbench in this order: Iron ingot, iron ingot, iron ingot, empty, stick, empty, empty, stick, empty. That should work!
The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.
It's called an IRON INGOT.
Iron ingot: 265 Iron block: 42 Iron ore: 15
In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.
There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.