to send air mail(or any other type of mail in any game) you have to give the mail to a Pokemon and trade the Pokemon to somebody else so they get to read it.
Float On Air 010a13d7
you have to get a pokemon such as Golbat or some other flying pokemon that can learn it. i know this is true because i have gone against golbats that know air slash and i have one too
The first air date was on October 14, 2000.
First, you click on the Pokemon that is holding the air mail then,there should be a littile box go down to the word mail click on it then it will say read or take select take then it will say send your removed mail to your PC select yes then your done!!!!!!(:
air mail
It is mail that you send in airplanes. Usually used for long-distance mail delivery.
Next to it has a train track in the air.
You use an air mail stamp.
(in the US) Yes, you may.
dont no
It depends what way you choose it to be send. for example if you send it by ground mail it will take longer but if you send it by air mail it will get there faster First class mail should be delivered in 3 to 5 days, though often makes it in 2.
mail sent to mahres sfax tunisia on 9th july and still not got it
For destinations overseas we send all parcels by Air Mail.
Send an e-mail to your unit CSA.