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you have to get a pokemon such as Golbat or some other flying pokemon that can learn it. i know this is true because i have gone against golbats that know air slash and i have one too

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Q: Where could you go to get Air slash in Pokemon Platinum?
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How do you get togekiss to learn aura sphere extremespeed sky attack and air slash in Pokemon platinum?

Go to pastoria talk to the move tutor and give him a heart scale

How can you teach a Charizard Air Slash in Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes but you have to get the TM first

Pokemon emarld what level does Crobat learn air slash?

Air slash is a 4th gen move. So Crobat wouldn't learn it in 3rd gen games.

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What attacks does Cynthia's Togekiss know on Pokemon platinum?

Togekiss is not capable of learning any additional moves via level up in Pokémon Platinum however the Pastoria City Move Relearner caan re-teach moves such as the Normal-type attack, Extremespeed to Togekiss, the Fighting-type attack of Aura Sphere to Togekiss and two Flying-type attacks of Air Slash and Sky Attack.

Is acrobatics stronger than air slash in Pokemon black?

Yes. Acrobatics has a base power of 55, ONLY if the Pokemon has a held item. If it doesn't have any items, the power will double. So Acrobatics = 110 V.S. Air Slash = 75. So Acrobatics is stronger.

What moves does hoothoot learn in Pokemon Platinum?

In Pokémon Platinum, the moves that Hoothoot can learn via level up include ones such as Foresight, Confusion, Growl, Tackle, Peck, Hypnosis, Take Down, Reflect, Zen Headbutt, Air Slash, Roost, Extrasensory, Psycho Shift and Dream Eater.

Where can you get the TM air slash in soul silver?

There is no TM for Air Slash.

When does tranquill learn air slash?

Tranquill learns air slash at level 32

When does crobat learn air slash?

Crobat learns air slash at level 51

What are the best flying Pokemon in platinum version?

I recommend Togekiss as it is a special attacker with decent speed and high sp deffence although it's attack is not the best it can learn lots of tm's like thunderbolt flamethrower and also if you give a heart scale to the remember man you can teach it aura sphere, Air slash is also usefull as it causes flinch's Air slash + Serene grace = Good combo but if it has hustle I'd go with Fly.

What level does togekiss learn air slash?

Togekiss learns air slash at base level, so you have to use a heartscale in order to be able to teach Togekiss air slash.