torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
I think the best steel type Pokemon is probably dialga.
The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.
The best Rock Type Pokemon is Golem... I'm just taking a guess because I don't collect Rock Type Pokemon. But Golem CAN learn explosion, the best Pokemon move that does 250.
Normal type pokemon are best and rock type pokemon also.Electric attacks against rock type pokemon become ineffective.
an air type.
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
I think the best steel type Pokemon is probably dialga.
Lorelei has Ice and Water type pokemon, the best way to defeat her pokemon is to use Electric type pokemon or pokemon that have Electric type moves. Bruno has Fighting type pokemon and two Rock/Ground types, the best way to defeat his pokemon is to use Psychic pokemon or pokemon that have Psychic type moves. Agatha has Ghost and Poison type pokemon, the best way to defeat her pokemon is to also use Psychic type pokemon or pokemon with Psychic type attacks.
The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.
Fighting type Pokemon
The best Rock Type Pokemon is Golem... I'm just taking a guess because I don't collect Rock Type Pokemon. But Golem CAN learn explosion, the best Pokemon move that does 250.
Normal type pokemon are best and rock type pokemon also.Electric attacks against rock type pokemon become ineffective.
a fire type pokemon or a ground type
The best electric type Pokemon can be ether a Raikou or an Ampharos, I hope this helps.
The answer is Vespiquen.