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It is very easy to find a friend on Panfu I just did this question because pandas on Panfu I meet sometimes, are real sad, anyways to get friends on Panfu more often is to just keep it firm. Basically just find a panda that is alone so another panda doesn't get the attention. Start simple, say something you would normally say I would of said ''WHAT UP DUDE YA OKAY!'' Okay.... I think you get that its weird but I prefer saying ''Hello Are you okay?'' and keep it smooth until (he/she) is your friend then just say stuff that friends normally say.

PS: Just so you know it works! and only stubborn pandas that are not interested to be your friend, whether your are or not a member they think it matters for a reason.

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Q: How do you search to find a friend on Panfu?
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Can you find a fun online chatting game like panfu or club penguin but beter?

club penguinneopetsbuild a bear villepanfu

How do you add friends on moshi monsters?

Click on your friend tree. At the bottom right corner it will say find friends! You can search for friends and then it will either say success or oops!! When you see monsters on the street click on them and go to their house. Click on their friend tree and at the top it will say add friend!

When is Legend of Zelda Search for a Friend coming out?

There is no such title as "The Legend of Zelda: Search for a Friend" coming out. While your question was written in 2009, it's impossible to tell what game released after it is, since no Zelda game has that as a title.

What is the lowest price for a PSP?

dear friend, you can go to same shopping search engines,search psp keywords:)for examples:

Did Club Penguin copy panfu?

Panfu is a copy cat game. You can't even say "Club Penguin" on there. Club Penguin is copyrighted,too. There are these animals you buy called "Bollys" that are JUST like puffles. There are PINS too!Every 30 mins. or so Panfu will say you played for 30 mins. It will then show a panda doing jumping jacks and squats. There is an ignore button if a panda annoys you and when you click the ignore button the panda will become invisible. That happens on Club Penguin but you cannot see the penguin talking or using emotes. There are moderators, too.Here are some other things alike on Panfu:postcardsemotesdancingsittingcoinsplayer cardadd or remove friendvisit friend's housefind where your friend isreport a playerwear clothesbuy clotheslock and unlock houseThe Player cards are the samethe puffle\bolly player cards are the samesanfran panfu is the plazathe town is the citythey have a lighthouse and a beachthey have find fourThe sports field is Soccer Pitch\Ice RinkThey have a poolthey have a night clubthey have a volcanothey have quests which are missionsFish'n' Fish is ice fishing which has boots barrels (knock off yr fish) electric eels(jellyfish) Sharks but no crabsthey even have a helper pandas thing where you have to take a quiz to become a Helper panda a.k.a Tour Guide

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There is a DJ on panfu in the tent, in the castle courtyard then you will find him in there:)

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if your friend on panfu get a gold package then you will too

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If you search up how do you complete the bigfoot quest on panfu i google it will come up with a walkthrough... GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

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you find it and walk on it

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You find it in the koisk. :)

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