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Search for other penguins on Club Penguin!? well, you can hang out on club penguin for amounts of time and find other penguins who you enjoy hanging out with and add them. But if your looking to find a old buddy who deleted you and you know their user name .... if you know they always went to a certain sever to a certain place you could go on that sever alot.. it worked for me :) with a friends help :D

Maybe one day they will make the penguin finder :D

Good luck

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Q: How do you search for other penguins on Club Penguin?
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Please do not do this to other penguins! You could get arrested. And you will also get banned!^__^

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Only moderators/admins.

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Just go and sit on them!

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Do you even know what club penguin is??If you do you would know that you cant send clothes to penguins on club penguinhopefully they will let us do that.....for now no!!!This is a mean comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you take from penguins on Club Penguin?

No, you cant steal on club penguin.

Why is Club Penguin based on penguins?

Clues in the name: club "penguin

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