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print("VIP Door Script loaded") -- list of account names allowed to go through the door. permission = { "Username1", "Username2" , "Username3" } --Put your friends name's here. You can add more. function checkOkToLetIn(name) for i = 1,#permission do -- convert strings to all upper case, otherwise we will let in, -- "Username," but not, "username," or, "uSERNAME." -- Why? Because, "Username," is how it is spelled in the permissions. if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(permission[i])) then return true end end return false end local Door = script.Parent function onTouched(hit) print("Door Hit") local human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if (human ~= nil ) then -- a human has touched this door! print("Human touched door") -- test the human's name against the permission list if (checkOkToLetIn(human.Parent.Name)) then print("Human passed test") Door.Transparency = 0.7 Door.CanCollide = false wait(4) -- this is how long the door is open Door.CanCollide = true Door.Transparency = 0 else human.Health= 0 -- delete this line of you want a non-killing VIP door end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)

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Q: How do you script a vip door on roblox?
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How do you put vip on your roblox map?

If you go to free models, and type "VIP door" it will show a bunch of models. Next when you spawn a door, open the door vip script. Then read until you see names of the people in pink/purple. Delete them, and then add yours and/or friends.

How do you make a vip door at roblox?

If you want to make a VIP door, you have to have a script. To script you must go into roblox studio by clicking the first button to the left of the 'insert' button. Then, go into the brick you want, click 'insert...object' from the toolbar, select script. Scripting is a whole different story. I recommend reffering to the roblox wiki for scripting issues. If you have any questions, please contact builderman, or the ROBLOX wiki. Or you could go on Tools move the mouse onto the view tool then explorer and it will give you workspace then open up workspace find the door and double click it and it will show you scripts type your name in then hey-presto its done

How do you make a command on roblox?

With a little knowledge of how to script, you can add your own commands to a VIP commands script. If you don't know how to script, you can learn by following the tutorials on the Roblox wiki. There are also numerous fan-created tutorials on the Internet which you can find by searching Google for "Roblox Scripting Lessons".

How do you make an admin commands shirt for Roblox?

First upload a t-shirt that you want to be the VIP shirt. Then, insert a t-shirt VIP commands script from the free models. Finally, edit the script so the texture ID of the t-shirt is the same as the texture ID required to make someone a VIP in the script.

How do you make a VIP T-shirt door at Roblox?

You can find many different VIP t-shirt doors on the Roblox free models. Most doors will have instructions in their source code explaining how to configure them to work with your t-shirt. You can also find a tutorial on how to make a VIP shirt on the Roblox Wiki.

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How do you make a VIP door in Roblox?

You make a brick the size of the door. Put the script that ROBLOX teaches you in the wiki into the brick.. Make a t-shirt then put that link into the "" of the script. It should be at the top of the script...

How do you make vip doors in roblox?

In most games, you can become a VIP by buying a special shirt (usually T-Shirts) made by the creator of the game, and wearing it in-game, there is also, a script to make selected people to assess the VIP rooms without a shirt.

How do you admin script a t-shirt on roblox?

To create an admin (VIP) shirt, first create a regular shirt. Then, insert a VIP door, VIP commands script, or other VIP script from the free models that supports VIP t-shirts. Follow the instructions listed inside the script's source which explain how to specify what you want the VIP shirt to be, and you have your Admin t-shirt. For more information on this, check out the Roblox help files and wiki.

How do you put vip on your roblox map?

If you go to free models, and type "VIP door" it will show a bunch of models. Next when you spawn a door, open the door vip script. Then read until you see names of the people in pink/purple. Delete them, and then add yours and/or friends.

How do you make a vip door at roblox?

If you want to make a VIP door, you have to have a script. To script you must go into roblox studio by clicking the first button to the left of the 'insert' button. Then, go into the brick you want, click 'insert...object' from the toolbar, select script. Scripting is a whole different story. I recommend reffering to the roblox wiki for scripting issues. If you have any questions, please contact builderman, or the ROBLOX wiki. Or you could go on Tools move the mouse onto the view tool then explorer and it will give you workspace then open up workspace find the door and double click it and it will show you scripts type your name in then hey-presto its done

How do you get in vip on roblox?

It depends on the creator of the map, if he has builders club then he can make you an admin through an admin shirt, but he has to make an admin door and an admin script so no unauthorized robloxians don't go in.

How do you make a command on roblox?

With a little knowledge of how to script, you can add your own commands to a VIP commands script. If you don't know how to script, you can learn by following the tutorials on the Roblox wiki. There are also numerous fan-created tutorials on the Internet which you can find by searching Google for "Roblox Scripting Lessons".

How do you make an admin commands shirt for Roblox?

First upload a t-shirt that you want to be the VIP shirt. Then, insert a t-shirt VIP commands script from the free models. Finally, edit the script so the texture ID of the t-shirt is the same as the texture ID required to make someone a VIP in the script.

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Make a vip door on roblox

How do you make a VIP T-shirt door at Roblox?

You can find many different VIP t-shirt doors on the Roblox free models. Most doors will have instructions in their source code explaining how to configure them to work with your t-shirt. You can also find a tutorial on how to make a VIP shirt on the Roblox Wiki.

How do you use VIP Commands in Roblox?

VIP commands are generally used by typing a command in the chat box, and pressing enter. A script in the game will then pick up this command, and do something in the game. To use VIP commands you first need to have a VIP commands script in the game that has you listed as a VIP. After you do this, save your place, and play the game. Also, most VIP command scripts will give you a list of the commands that you can use if you chat 'Commands'

Make a vip door on roblox?

You can custom build a VIP door, but it is much easier to use one from the free models. When you insert one find the admins list and add whoever you want to the list. There is also a line of code that you can delete if you do not want a killing VIP door.