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how do u save your cheats and co


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Q: How do you save your cheat codes in gta4?
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i dont know them that why am asking u

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What are some websites for GTA4?

If you are talking about a website with GTA 4 info, walkthroughs, map locations, character info, cheat codes, ect, visit

How do you use letters in gta4?

Almost everything in GTA4 revolves around your cell phone. All of the cheat codes do too. If you pull out your phone and hit up twice, then dial the numbers onto the phone you get hooked up with whatever cheat it represents.

Is there a invibilty health cheat for gta4?

It's actually invincibility but yes their is one just look it up online try i always go their for my cheat codes

How do you get on happiness island without the police on gta4?

You need to get a helicopter...either by cheat codes or by stealing on from any of the helicpoter tour places

Is there a cheat code to beat the whole game of grand theft auto 4?

There isn't a cheat code to beat the whole game but you can download save files of gta4 if you have a ps3.

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what is the cheat for the phantom on gta 4

GTA4 can achevements be got if you did a cheat for them?


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Is there a cheat for the pcj 600 on gta4 and if it is what is the cheat?

Sory But There Is No Cheat For PCJ- 600.