You need to get a helicopter...either by cheat codes or by stealing on from any of the helicpoter tour places
is there a cheat for a dog on gta4
At the beginning of GTA IV, Niko Bellic arrives in Broker, and the island of Bohan is also available to him. The area of Charge Island, situated between Broker and Bohan is open as well. After completion of the mission Blow Your Cover, where Niko has to drive Playboy X back to his apartment in North Holland, the island of Algonquin is unlocked. This also includes Happiness Island, which is situated off Algonquin. Some time after completion of the Three Leaf Clover mission, Packie will ring Niko and ask him to help out his brother Derrick. This will unlock the final island of Alderney, as Derrick is situated there. All areas are then accessible.
it should be on the north-west side of the first island, there is an alleyway resembling a comb type shape. it is an Irish pub you can both play darts and drink at, have fun! :D
what? if your talking about the dlcs compared to the main, they should be clearly labled differently. only a fool could confuse gta4 disc with tlad and tbogt. :P
no, only the statue of happiness t-shirt.
No you cannot be a police officer in Grand Theft Auto, but you can in Saints Row: The Third
it's called algonquin.
stop and pay the toll right next to the toll gate. it will open after you pay 5 bucks. if their is a police roadblock, play the story!
steal it from the nypd/new york police department on gta 4
You cannot get a police shirt in ordinary gameplay on GTA IV. I do not know if you are able to download a mod for this, via a computer.
playboyX and johnny
ya can't, but you can turn the volume off! :D
there is no hovercraft in gta4
Firstly, go on the roller-coaster on the first island, and shoot the pigeon that is located at the highest point, WITH A SHOTGUN (