what? if your talking about the dlcs compared to the main, they should be clearly labled differently. only a fool could confuse gta4 disc with tlad and tbogt. :P
is there a cheat for a dog on gta4
there is none.
it waz a mod
how do u save your cheats and co des
gta4.net is your place to go! check it out if you LOVE gta, or want to know anything about gta4! have fun! :D
gta4 needs directx 9,10,11
just have the PC version and download the mod of it from gta4.net's garage.
i dont know them that why am asking u
again, i am pretty sure there is not, but you never know
There isn't one. You can get a monster truck in GTA IV in the PC version by using a mod, but there is no way in the PS3 version. Sorry.
you mean the weather cheat, it's hot-555-0100 i believe. use gta4.net for the hot number if you don't know it.
I dont know how to ran a gang in gta4
try the gta place
there is no hovercraft in gta4
I don't know about the XBOX version of this game, but on the PS3 version, you can't do 2 player, It's only a one player game, sorry.Hope I helped you by telling you this information.Sorry that I let you down, but, yeah.SophieDean'actually once u reach a certain part in the game u will unlock it on the phone