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what? if your talking about the dlcs compared to the main, they should be clearly labled differently. only a fool could confuse gta4 disc with tlad and tbogt. :P

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Q: How can you know your gta4 version?
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What is the website for GTA4? is your place to go! check it out if you LOVE gta, or want to know anything about gta4! have fun! :D

Which version of directx gta 4 needs?

gta4 needs directx 9,10,11

How do you hack in GTAsanandears to get sonic?

just have the PC version and download the mod of it from's garage.

What are the gta4 cheat codes?

i dont know them that why am asking u

Is there a parachute in gta4?

again, i am pretty sure there is not, but you never know

What is the monster truck cheat for gta4 ps3?

There isn't one. You can get a monster truck in GTA IV in the PC version by using a mod, but there is no way in the PS3 version. Sorry.

What are the numbers for hot on gta4?

you mean the weather cheat, it's hot-555-0100 i believe. use for the hot number if you don't know it.

How to make a gang in gta 4?

I dont know how to ran a gang in gta4

Why arernt there mods for gta4 I know its possible to mod console games because halo 3 has been modded but I have seen no mods on the internet for gta4?

try the gta place

Where is the hovercraft in gta4 on xbox?

there is no hovercraft in gta4

How do you get on 2 player on GTA4?

I don't know about the XBOX version of this game, but on the PS3 version, you can't do 2 player, It's only a one player game, sorry.Hope I helped you by telling you this information.Sorry that I let you down, but, yeah.SophieDean'actually once u reach a certain part in the game u will unlock it on the phone