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You dont save, it save automatically

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Q: How do you save on Club Penguin?
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How do you get to club penguin without going to miniclip and Club Penguin com?

you save it on your favorites or save it on your desktop.

How do you save on Club Penguin Nintendo DS?

you have to press save on the DS -P.S I lay club penguin i am ten years old and my club penguin name is sparkles 201

How do you save Club Penguin?

You Sign out!

How do you save a game in club penguin computer?

you should try look for the club penguin help or ask the club penguin staff to help you solve it.

How do you get your igloo to save on club penguin?

get2 men

Does club penguin save your items when your not a member?


How do you save rockhopper from the press on club penguin?

There is no such mission.

Where do you put the id code in club penguin?

you go to unlock or you can go to sign in and put your penguin name in and press save and then it will save

How do you save the penguins from the ice burg on club penguin?

you dont

How do you pass club penguin time to save the day?

i have no idear

How do you save Rockhopper's cream soda on club penguin?


What are some Club Penguin hints?

The hints are that if you save your coins you will get a lot!