There is a building next to the POKeMART in Eterna City. Talk to the old man at the table in there and he'll rate your nickname and/or let you name or rename it.
You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
You can rename pokemon when you first obtain them or ask the Name Rater to change it. The Name Rater is in Lavendar Town he's in a house below the Pokemon Center. Bring the pokemon you want to rename to the Name Rater then he will let you rename it. Keep in mind pokemon obtained through trade cannot be renamed.
No, at least not according to what I've heard, and I've never found a way except deleting my entire save file.
Go to the namerater in Lavender Town or rename it right after you catch it.
Pokemon diamond
there is no such thing as the name deleter but there is a person in eterna who will rename your Pokemon and in canalave there is the move deleter.
You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
No, not every Pokemon can be renamed. If you got a Pokemon in a trade you can not rename a Pokemon. That also counts for Wi-Fi. You can only name your own Pokemon that you caught.
You should be able to rename a Pokemon any number of times in the game.
To change a Pokemon's Nickname in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum:Go to Eterna CityWalk South (v) to the PokeMartWalk East (>) to the condominium building.EnterTalk to the Old Man on your left.You must have caught the Pokemon in order to rename it.I do not know if you can rename hacked* Pokemon.*I do not condone hacking as it leads to horrible and game crashing glitches.
In slateport city there is a name rater who can rename your Pokemon remember Pokemon traded to you can't be renamed.
You can rename pokemon when you first obtain them or ask the Name Rater to change it. The Name Rater is in Lavendar Town he's in a house below the Pokemon Center. Bring the pokemon you want to rename to the Name Rater then he will let you rename it. Keep in mind pokemon obtained through trade cannot be renamed.
In Eterna city where the second (grass type) gym is, go into the apartment block and on one of the floors there is an old man who will rename your Pokemon. He will not rename Pokemon that you got in a trade though.
No, at least not according to what I've heard, and I've never found a way except deleting my entire save file.
In Eterna City. The house guy is located I believe before the Gym, in the tallest blue building near the Gym. The old man in there will help you rename your Pokemon.
The Name Rater will rename any of YOUR Pokemon. If you own a Pokemon that originally belonged to someone else (Like the Machop you trade for in Goldenrod), then he wont rename it.