You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
Go into your computer to Bill's PC, and then to "Move Pokemon". When you click on the box, one of the options should be to rename it.
The only way is to get a action replay card and use catch trainer's Pokemon when you fight your rival.
No, at least not according to what I've heard, and I've never found a way except deleting my entire save file.
after you and your rival have beaten her and lance in a tag battle, she will be in dragon's den between 6 and 10 am
You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
Your rival will have Chikorita if you pick Totodile as your starter pokemon.
You can vs your rival every monday on your game at the Pokemon League.( this also counts for HeartGold too.)
About 10 times then you can fight your rival at certain days at the Pokemon League.
Your rival challenges you at the Pokemon league Mondays and Wednesdays.
Go into your computer to Bill's PC, and then to "Move Pokemon". When you click on the box, one of the options should be to rename it.
Lyra/Ethan has it.
His name was actually Silver, but it was made to be named anything.
Sundays and Thursday at the tranier house
It is your rival from Pokemon fire red and leaf green versions.
Silver is the rival in the games Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver.