It depends on what you mean. If you're talking about defense bonuses, Torag's would be the best because of its cheapness and high bonus.
You can fix the verac brassard either by bob in Lumbridge by paying him to repair your armor for you (the guy which repairs your broken axes for you). or you can go to a player owned house and use your barrows equipment on the armor stand to repair it yourself you still have to pay the same amount no matter which way you choose to do it.
this question does not make sense? ---------------------------- If you mean, going to barrows to get something, about 1-2 hours
The best armor in fate is a Full plate, The strongest legendary is armor is obviously a legendary full plate best armor artifact is the Legendary Enduring victory if you want a total list of artifacts open a new window or tab and copy the following URL and paste it in the long bar at the top of the new window or tab: . I have more info but it`s a Secret!It is probably barrows armour. As it is fairly 5 to 6 mill, it is worth the money... as this is cheaper than dragon and has better stats
It degrades by the amount of time worn in combat. If you wear it out of combat, it won't be affected.______________________________________________________________________The following information is misleading. Barrows armor degrades only with time spent in combat, while wearing the armor. All pieces degrade separately. The statistics do not diminish while degrading, until it is completely broken.Barrows armor degrades on damage taken, like the crystal shield. Only when you take damage (anything but a 0) does it start to get weaker. The barrows degrade in increments. (I don't know when the armor degrades to a weaker form, though, I do know it took me a while before it degraded to 75). The following are the stats with new on the top and broken (0) on the bottom.New (never worn or just fixed)100 (worn once, even if never fought with)75 (lower than 100, fairly used for fighting. [I estimate around 200-600 dmg taken])50 ()25 ()0 (broken and in need of repair at someone like Bob of Bob's Axes in Lumbridge or at a player owned house)Note: Only new or 0 can be traded or sold at the Grand Exchange.____________________________________________________________________
Go to the Barrows Minigame and play it to get Barrow item rewards.
Most of the Barrows sets give better defence bonuses, and roughly the same strength bonuses, depending on your weapon, but since Barrows items degrade over time (Totalling 330,000 which can get rather pricy.)
Yes, otherwise the effect will not work
Verac, Torag, Guthan, and Dharok (i know you didn't ask about Dharok, but I'm saying it anyway) are the barrows, and the type of barrows armor you get for killing them in the barrows minigame. Warning: minigame is dangerous.
goto bob in lumby itll cost 90k
Barrows is a dangerous Mini-Game in RuneScape that gives good rewards. It gives some of the best weapons and armor in the game. There are six "brothers" that you must fight. The brothers each have different abilities and special attacks that you must fight against. After killing all six brothers, you will get a reward, possibly a peice of barrows armor.
No. It must be fixed before you can wear it again.
Personally, I think there both really good but if your a true football player go with X-Bionic.Armor Recharge is more of a baseball Under Armor. But X-Bionic is a very good under armor
no it will vanish after one hour of being in combat.
If your f2p then yes if your p2p then no. Barrows armor is good if your p2p. f2p = Free to Play p2p = Member
Barrows armour can be obtained by trading with another player if fully broken or undamaged as well as being bought on the Grand Exchange. The "Barrows minigame" involves fighting 6 different brothers and defeating them. Their is a small chance of receiving a piece of the brother/brothers armour if you have killed them before looting the chest... For more info search barrows runescape on Google
It depends on what you mean. If you're talking about defense bonuses, Torag's would be the best because of its cheapness and high bonus.