Carry it around with you and battle with it. You can also give it certain items to boost friendship. It just takes some time!
Friendship berries
Use it a bunch and don't let it faint. Also if you catch it with a Luxury Ball it will raise friendships fast. I caught a Pichu with one and after i leveled it up once and then it evolved into Pikachu.
with raising the Pokemon with that Pokemon for many time You can raise your Pokemon happiness by defeating many trainers with Pokemon do you want to raise.
Woobat evolves with friendship. so any level. ______ the beat way to do this is to go to city and head down the far right lane go into one of these big buildings and speak to the lady sitting on the table she will massage your pokemon, wombat, and that will raise it's friendliness and also do NOT let it faint, this will rapidly decrease friendship!!!!!
let your Pokemon battle
You need to raise its friendship not raise its level.
It will evolve when you raise it's friendship. Then lvl it up once.
It has a friendship evolution into Crobat. Just use it in battles, give it poffins that it likes, or give it berries that raise friendship.
Unfortunately, no, but after you beat the elite four and you gain access to the resort area and the ribbon syndicate (the first Pokemon in your party must have at least a page of the ribbons section in the summary filled up), you can raise the friendship level of your Pokemon by having the ladies in the second floor massage it. Also, if it gains a lot of exp points with you and walks a lot with you it can raise the friendship. Another alternative is to take strolls with it at amity square. Hope I was helpful!
Friendship berries
Crobat evolves by friendship. Once it likes you enough, raise your Golbat a level, and it should evolve.
Gain max friendship, and raise eevee one level at night.
here are some ways to raise the friendship: 1. keep it in your party 2. don't ever let it faint in battle 3. feed it its favorite poffins 4. go to Pokemon centers instead of using potions and revives and etc. 5. give it a soothe bell to hold bonus: catch it in a luxuray ball
Depends on what you mean by "trust." If the dragon Pokemon is not listening to you in battle, you need to earn more badges. If you want to to become friendly, keep it in your party and use it in battle. There are also a few berries you can use to raise friendship at the cost of a few EVs, and there is a lady in the Resort Area that can massage one of your Pokemon once a day to help raise friendship. You can check friendship using a Poketch app you obtain from a lady in the Eterna City Pokemon Center.
Catch, train, evolve, trade, breed, use stones, restore fossils, raise friendship, and have them learn specific moves. Those are all the ways all the Pokemon are obtained.
There are a few ways to raise a Pokemon's friendship. 1. Battle with it to get experience. (If it is at a low level send it out first then switch with a stronger Pokemon to defeat it. However, if you let the Pokemon faint its friendship will decrease.) 2. Give it vitamins. Things like Protein, Iron, Carbos, etc. 3. Give it the item called the Soothe Bell. 4. Some games like Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum give you the option to have your Pokemon massaged in Veilstone City.
Use it a bunch and don't let it faint. Also if you catch it with a Luxury Ball it will raise friendships fast. I caught a Pichu with one and after i leveled it up once and then it evolved into Pikachu.