Use it a bunch and don't let it faint. Also if you catch it with a Luxury Ball it will raise friendships fast. I caught a Pichu with one and after i leveled it up once and then it evolved into Pikachu.
with high friendship
Woobat---(high friendship)--SwoobatSewaddle---Lv 20---Swadloon---(high friendship)---LeavannyThats about itI got this information from THE OFFICAL UNOVA POKEDEX & GUIDE: VOLUME 2
give it the oval stone when it has high friendship
from Riley he gives you a Riolu egg and you can evolve it at high friendship
Umbreon-High Friendship 8:00pm-3:59am Espeon-High Friendship 4:00am-7:59pm
with high friendship
with high friendship
Well yes pichu can and other type of Pokemon
when it has high friendship
You evolve it up with high friendship
Woobat---(high friendship)--SwoobatSewaddle---Lv 20---Swadloon---(high friendship)---LeavannyThats about itI got this information from THE OFFICAL UNOVA POKEDEX & GUIDE: VOLUME 2
It is when they have two hearts that grow and shrink.
Level it up with high friendship
yes. level it up with high friendship
You have to level it up with high friendship.
give it the oval stone when it has high friendship
Level 20. Then evolves again with high friendship.