Just target them for the whole match, make them wish they had never annoyed you ;o)
Be an awesome noob pwnr, that's how.
you can only play runescape2 if you are a member if you are then google it from squid Add falcon great!! il pwn u all noobs
You can sell them to noobs.
you can dum noobs you have to do a quest first -.-
devin mcolister my best friend, he can pwn anyone
I pwn all noobs especially Jake Herman, Noob of all Noobs! King of Noobs! God of Noobalidge! HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!
You play world of warcraft.
Be an awesome noob pwnr, that's how.
Theodore Roosevelt you noobs, i will pwn ur sack
Its when you totally PAAWAN some noobs. eg. Don't make me pwn you noob. I will seriously PAAWAN you!
All you have to do is to use the "magicks" spells. If you use ice barrage those puny melee noobs will be frozen to death.
you can only play runescape2 if you are a member if you are then google it from squid Add falcon great!! il pwn u all noobs
yes that is 1 of the reasons they remade it so people could play as luigi and get sm64ds it pwn all noobs
It really matters on who or what you are trying to pwn. You can pwn a person by saying a hrmful joke about them. You can pwn a video game by completing it with flying colors. Is "How do pwn?" even a sentence?
No pwn is a misspelling of the word own therefore no it is not.
Everyone kills noobs