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You use your tools from your spy phone to put together the telescope.

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Q: How do you put together the telescope on club penguin?
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Where do you put the telescope in Club Penguin?

You find the telescope on the Beacon. You look through it if Rockhopper is coming... or leaving...

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Where do you place the telescope on Club Penguin?

you place it in G's room(in sports shop)up there you go right till you see the empty telescope thing you put it in there.

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You put the can from the lighthouse filled with water in the test chamber and freeze it. The you go to the beacon and give it to Rory (the penguin fixing the telescope.) =D

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Put the spyphone and the binoculars together and put it in the tree

Where do you put the telescope on mission 4 in club penguin to see the mountain?

First of all you fix the penguins telescope by clicking on your blue thing where it says go to the HQ and stuff like that and you click on tools then you click on the wrench and carry the wrench to the telescope then you click on the telescope then you talk to the penguin and then you click on the telescope and you will be able to get a good view from the telescope to see Aunt artics puffles!

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just type in club penguin on your i pod

Where is the camera on club penguin mission 9?

You take tha bonoculars and your spy phone and put them together.

If you have an Elite Penguin Force how do you put it on Club Penguin?

Put the code on

What do you do with the rope if you are lost in club penguin?

you also need the telescope from the becon ,use wrench from spygear to undo bolts

How to club penguin?

click and penguin was movin put d and penguin dance put t to snowballs

What are the necessary condition to become a member of the G20?

That is not a club in club penguin. Don't put it under club penguin if its not.