First of all, open your inventory. Make sure a sim isn't using the item you want to move. Press on the item you want to move so that the bottom turns green, then drag it to your inventory.
If you have a beetle or butterfly in your Sims inventory, simply drag it to a table, counter, etc and it will automatically be put in a tank.
To put furniture away you either go to the backpack on your Sims info and get the item and click it then the item that pops up on the inventory. You don't just need Sims 2 pets!!!
when you have the nectar in your inventory, just click and drag it into the rack.
Put the cursor on your sim and then a list will pop up, when it pops up, 'Look in inventory' will be there, click on it and there you go.(:
Put the guitar in your inventory, then go to a public place and play the guitar.
delete item
You wait till he sets it down and then you can click on it and put in inventory
If you have a beetle or butterfly in your Sims inventory, simply drag it to a table, counter, etc and it will automatically be put in a tank.
To put furniture away you either go to the backpack on your Sims info and get the item and click it then the item that pops up on the inventory. You don't just need Sims 2 pets!!!
when you have the nectar in your inventory, just click and drag it into the rack.
Put the cursor on your sim and then a list will pop up, when it pops up, 'Look in inventory' will be there, click on it and there you go.(:
Sims 2 is not a requirement for Sims 3.
Put the guitar in your inventory, then go to a public place and play the guitar.
all you have to do is go into buy mode and then sell the sculptures and you will get money and exp. for your proffesion.
i think.. either have a home business or put the car in your inventory and put in on the stand that way
You take what you want and put near the section where the book bag is and it will show up and and click on it to put it inside
No. sims 2 and Sims 2 stories are to completely separate games