when you have the nectar in your inventory, just click and drag it into the rack.
You can not put your child up for adoption on the Sims 3. Though, that would be cool if you could!
You can't.
Well there is no exact clothes rack but if you want to COMPLEATLY change their outfit click on a dresser and press plan outfit but if you want to let say change their clothes from the ones you have click on the dresser
put a moving platform under it
I don't know about a wine rack but you CAN buy a Nectar rack with nectar 'built-in'. Just travel to France and go to the Nectary, I think it's called, and buy one there.
You can put your own stuff on the sims 3
Photography, Nectar-making and Martial Arts. :)
You can take a video OF the Sims 3, but I do not know what you mean by putting in into the Sims 3.
Sims 2 is not a requirement for Sims 3.
Well, put the Sims 3 disc in and then something will pop up that will lead you through the setup.
You can not put your child up for adoption on the Sims 3. Though, that would be cool if you could!
sorry, you can't.
On The games of the Sims games of couse.
look up how do you put a microwave in the sims 3 also asked by you
TestingCheatsEnabled True DOES work on the sims 3, you just don't put boolprop in front of it:)
The Sims 3 is a base game. If you don't have the base you can't play the Expansion Packs. Sims 3 Generations is an expansion pack. So to put that simply: No.