I don't think you can make your own songs, but you can download them on 360.
Click the ScoreHero link below to go to a custom song database. NB. You must register with ScoreHero before you can use it.
I've never done it but look it up on youtube. They show you how to get custom songs. If you're on 360 you could see if the LIVE marketplace has it.
You have to have internet access at home and connect you xbox. In the market place from the xbox you can search guitar hero 3 downloads
for the XBox 360, all guitar hero guitars can work in any direction
no u cant only for the 360 version How do you do it for the 360?
You burn the songs from the guitar hero 3 to a x-box 360 memory card. <<< That makes no sense idiot, we want songs onto the game that are not arleady on there so why would we burn songs from guitar hero 3 onto the xbox? I don't think you can add your own song to guitar hero.Im pretty sure you can't but I might be wrong.
You can't unless you have a hacked 360. If you do have a hacked 360, look on the internet for instructions on loading / making custom songs
Yes, but as far as I know you have to make them yourselves. http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=618746
You cant put custom tracks on guitar hero 3 because they are in a specific and protected file format that wont allow you to put anything else onto it.
I don't think you can make your own songs, but you can download them on 360.
Click the ScoreHero link below to go to a custom song database. NB. You must register with ScoreHero before you can use it.
you have to buy songs, open songs in career, and download them with real money.
No, Guitar Hero 3 has no DLC, if you wanted to put new songs on it you'd have to hack it somehow. The new Guitar Hero: World Tour will have DLC though, you'll be able to download songs onto and play songs from your SD cards (they will probably let you download all the songs from the previous games). If you want more info on Guitar Hero: World Tour for Wii check out the Related Linksbelow.
If by guitar hero 4 you mean world tour the answer is yes. go into the xbox live marketplace and look around.
nope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- I do not know for xbox 360 but my guitar hero guitar on the wii are compatibale with all the guitar hero games, and i am pretty sure it is the same for xbox 360 to.