Go to the official website, register or play as guest, play the game there will be multiplayer on the top menu, either you can play as guest or register, it is better if you register because some registered players try to exclude guests. Registering will be easy by the way
It already came out.The multiplayer is also out.
Play plazma burst 2 on the official website....
no moving in multiplayer mode but in maps that have 'ghosts' or invisible characters
Actually you cant download PB2 you actually play it on a website. Type in Plazma Burst 2 and the webiste will pop up.
no because the website is always monitored.well it depends if its single player or multiplayer
Just google it and you will get the game.But if you want to play the multiplayer,you have to play it on plazmaburst2.com.You need an account to play the multiplayer but not the campaign.
It already came out.The multiplayer is also out.
plazma burst 2 has got its own website:plazmaburst2.com
Play plazma burst 2 on the official website....
if you are loged in you can pick the skin you want
no moving in multiplayer mode but in maps that have 'ghosts' or invisible characters
no hack in multiplayer in campaign only have hack monney hack thats hack in campaign
Actually you cant download PB2 you actually play it on a website. Type in Plazma Burst 2 and the webiste will pop up.
Yes, but for now plazma burst 3 is plazma burst 2:VOID
plazma burst 3 level 43
no as it is virus protected especially in the online official website of plazma burst 2
Yes and no if u made the game server yes if u dident no