There are 2 time manipulating songs: Song of double time: Play the song of time, but with each note played twice Song of inverted time: Play the song of time backwards.
It should play on Wednesday.
By obtaining pokeflute.
To play the song, press the numbered keys in this order : 3,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,3,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,2,1,1.
You would want something easy to play if your a busy person. You would not want to play the violin because it would take up time practicing. You could try the guitar, ukulele, or trumpet.
But still can have song to get more milk from Cow. Only if you play this song for cow. No, you get the song when you're a kid.
my favorite is ocarina eponas song
well in Zelda ocarina of time when your young link you learn eponas song, so yes link still knows it even when he becomes an adult.
you buy the music!
Little Richard plays the piano and not the trumpet.
hey i play Trumpet to but i don't know the notes sorry
You play the melody and don't get encumbered by the rest of the song.
You can play as many song as you want ; does matter
Epona will answer it, or she never met you as a kid so you never learned the song.
Trumpet or bugle
just download a song of my heart will go on