darkrai and arcus
In Diamond, you can obtain a Water Stone in the underground in Sunyshore City.
You are just a super loser who plays Pokemon(: my little brother played Pokemon when he was 5(:
impossible. You have to trade it with a pearl user. they are as easy to obtain in pearl as murkrows are in diamond : ) ~Sherry PMMewtwo---At the forest inside the right side door in the Pokemon mansion.
Turtwig is a starter Pokemon in Pear, Diamond and Platinum or you can obtain through trade
you have to trade it from Diamond/Perl/Platinum.
take a lvl 33 or so magnemite to the inside of mount cornet and lvl it up for it to evolve.
there are 150 kinds of Pokemon that you can see and/or obtain. Unless you have friend trade you Pokemon that you can only get in pearl to you, you'll never obtain them all. In Pokemon diamond and pearl all you have to do is see the Pokemon and you get its data unlike the older versions where you have to obtain them.
Migrate it.
Level up a magneton in Mount Coronet.
darkrai and arcus
a REAL diamond? lol in a cave, if the Pokemon one, download it or buy it
The only way to obtain Articuno in Pokemon Diamond is to trade it from GBA via Pal Park.
No, you do not need diamond and pearl to obtain all the Pokemon in the national pokedex. You either need to have a friend who has all the older Pokemon, or you could transfer the Pokemon yourself from older games.
train a magneton to grow one level in Mt.Cornant.