you have to collect Autographs from friends or other people you know and then you will earn fame points and if you reach your target you move levels
It's a dance planet move get it from it
Select the star Metal Mario can move, go to the door which leads to the thing that looks like the entrance to the level with Metal Mario can move but it's smaller, Hit the switch and Abra kadabra!!!!
Gengar's last move is Nightmare, which it learns at level 55.
As soon as you got over 5 star coins move Mario in the level select map and let him face the picture of a sign with 5 Star coins. then press yes
Level 13
To download videos on Move Star Planet, you can download the application for your iPhone. Then, create a movie on the website and add that movie to your iPhone account.
You feed your pet and when the food points are at 9/9 feed it one more time and it will move to the next level and grow
so eacy by watching star move 10 star coins if they watch your movies now 50 star coins
Yes. A planet must orbit its star, in our case the sun.
soso...hard to tell some are..cuz they answer but some could not be cuz they dont move or talk who knows
In the original Strawars movie it is mentioned that it can move. It is essentially an enormous spaceship equipped with a planet destroying weapon. The Death Star in Star Wars IV: A New Hope could and did move; however it was much slower than most other ships due to its large size. In the movie it traveled from its origin point to Alderaan, and then to Yavin where it was destroyed. The Death Star II in Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi could not move as it was incomplete, it was only capable of turning on its axis; but if it had been completed it would have been able to move as well.
If a distant star has a slight back and forth motion then it may be located near a planet. The gravitational force of the planet will cause the star to move.
Yes, they can move through space just like a planet or star.
That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.That's the normal configuration - for planets to travel around their central star. If the planet would NOT move, it would quickly fall into the central star.
It's a dance planet move get it from it
Lightning Star isn't a move.
All you do is click on your persons name then hold space bar and move the mouse where you want to move to, then let go of the mouse and the space bar!