get all the islands then unlock every other character that's how I unlocked him but mark is for the girl player Chelsea is for the boy character
You can have one child in Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island. He/She will remain a toddler forever.
The game ID code for Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands is YB3E-AEFCB055
I think it is 2 seasons after marriage.
start a new game and choose to overwrite the information
Go to the site posted to see how to get all the Sunstones.
You can have one child in Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island. He/She will remain a toddler forever.
No similar but different game, characters, concept.
The game ID code for Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands is YB3E-AEFCB055
You purchase them from Chen.
You have to have the church which in on the west side of the island.
harvest moon sunshine islands it's a really good game i love it !
Ebay would be your best bet
Place items in the shipment bins.
You can get a Dog, Cat, Horse, and Pig as pets in Sunshine Island.
No, you will not die in the Harvest Moon series nor is there a time limit.
I think it is 2 seasons after marriage.