If you want to rank up to builder in minecraft classic, you need to read the rules, or ask a moderator or admin, sometimes ask the owner him self! :D
Many do. I know a few that run a server that makes money. That is their self employed job.
Minecraft was made in Sweden by programmer Markus "Notch" Persson.
you have to downlaod a mod seach for a mod loader and the mod its self
Put a pumpkin in the crafting table or self crafting
by adding hd admin on roblox studio i did -_-
If you want to rank up to builder in minecraft classic, you need to read the rules, or ask a moderator or admin, sometimes ask the owner him self! :D
He/She should be responsible, protect the server from hackers or report glitches. And should be helpful with all that is to be needed at service. And listen to higher ranking admins than him/her. And also, if you are a good player, they might even hire you themself. Like my friend. (Devil Boy) He is a very high ranking admin in few servers.
Many do. I know a few that run a server that makes money. That is their self employed job.
the only way is to kill ur self
Hi my name is .... I am excited to be about of this interview today. Thank you for inviting me.
find the answer ur self
kill your self
If you run the server, you have to do some troubleshooting - check to be sure port forwarding is working properly, check to be sure IP address is correct, and then check for plug-in compatibilities, and the Java updates. If you do not run the server, you cannot do anything but wait until the server is fixed.
You can't. Unless you have a cool teacher on your side to give you the password, this is pretty much no way. I suggest you make friends with the teachers. (:
Minecraft was made in Sweden by programmer Markus "Notch" Persson.
it is very difficulty and self defeat6ing to differenttate admin and mgnt.these words are used interchangibly