You'll need some wooden planks, any type works. You will need 6 wooden planks, and fill the bottom two rows with wooden planks, and leave the top row blank.
For a visual crafting recipe and more crafting recipes, see the "Related Links" below!
Build a house with some type of floor (not grass or dirt blocks). Trap two villagers in there and trade with them. Put doors on top of building, with blocks on top of the doors. They should start having babies after that. Make sure you have windows.
Either use redstone or just dig a hole and they fall. :)
Redstone acts like a wire you can use it to make doors open and to make minecart tracks and more
Place wooden planks in all of the boxes in a crafting table apart from the top three.
Right click on them
Build a house with some type of floor (not grass or dirt blocks). Trap two villagers in there and trade with them. Put doors on top of building, with blocks on top of the doors. They should start having babies after that. Make sure you have windows.
To make a door on the ground.
rube goldberg creeper trap
The cast of There Are Trap Doors - 2012 includes: Humberto Castello
To kill unsuspecting players and to make them annoyed. There is a mod called"trap craft"
Either use redstone or just dig a hole and they fall. :)
A sand trap :) put diamond block then when the player breaks the block the sand falls and suficates him/her, there is a video on how to make the trap
Redstone acts like a wire you can use it to make doors open and to make minecart tracks and more
Usually somewhere secret, or maybe a trap, since it is called a TRAP door.
Place wooden planks in all of the boxes in a crafting table apart from the top three.
No, only zombies can break down doors.