Redstone acts like a wire you can use it to make doors open and to make minecart tracks and more
You mine it from redstone ore.
An iron pickaxe
You have to mine redstone ore.
right click on it with flint and steel or power it with redstone
A Redstone Lamp lights up when it is charged. Charged can be supplied by an adjacent button, lever, pressure plate, etc, or as part of an active Redstone Circuit.
You need an iron pickaxe to get redstone in Minecraft.
There is no such this as a redstone pickaxe.
You mine it from redstone ore.
An iron pickaxe
You need at least an Iron Pickaxe.
You have to mine redstone ore.
Yes, redstone can activate any type of door in minecraft :)
As of 06/29/14, there are no Redstone Blocks in the PS3 version of Minecraft.
right click on it with flint and steel or power it with redstone
Redstone Blocks now exist in Minecraft 1.5. You can make them by combining nine redstone dust on the crafting table.
A Redstone Lamp lights up when it is charged. Charged can be supplied by an adjacent button, lever, pressure plate, etc, or as part of an active Redstone Circuit.