Build a house with some type of floor (not grass or dirt blocks). Trap two villagers in there and trade with them. Put doors on top of building, with blocks on top of the doors. They should start having babies after that. Make sure you have windows.
No, you cant have a baby villager of your own, but you can get baby villagers in less than 10 seconds. All you have to do is find or spawn a villager, right click the villager as many times as you want, hit the villager, and you can have baby villagers (FYI, BABY VILLAGERS ARE VERY ANNOYING!)
No. That is impossible.
No, villagers do not eat.
20 health points, just like normal villagers.
There are villagers in the full version of Minecraft and the Minecraft demo. However there are no villagers in the Classic version of Minecraft, but it is possible for a server to create AI controlled entities (which mostly just stand there).
No, you cant have a baby villager of your own, but you can get baby villagers in less than 10 seconds. All you have to do is find or spawn a villager, right click the villager as many times as you want, hit the villager, and you can have baby villagers (FYI, BABY VILLAGERS ARE VERY ANNOYING!)
No. That is impossible.
No, villagers do not eat.
Villagers aren't available on Minecraft P.E. yet.
20 health points, just like normal villagers.
There are villagers in the full version of Minecraft and the Minecraft demo. However there are no villagers in the Classic version of Minecraft, but it is possible for a server to create AI controlled entities (which mostly just stand there).
You can't make villagers without mods. They spawn naturally in so-called NPC villages randomly placed on the map.
you can't. however, you can trade villagers for some
u cannot breed villagers
Not yet
Villagers are never hostile towards you, unless they are zombies or you have a mod that causes villagers to attack you
You go to a village and make a house, and then two people will come to the house go in and then they will make kids!