You type in ooo.
You can use the Speedchat which has a variety of phrases that Toontown has. If you want to type in what you want to say you have to allow the Chat option when you make your account.
There are toontown cheats look on youtube :) "toontown cheats"
yes there is alot of cheat in toontown
Open your schticker book and go on options. You can change it there.
You can make your Gmail background different by applying themes. These themes have interesting backgrounds in it. You can also upload a manual background.
It isn't illegal to make Toontown videos. After all, there are a lot of them on Youtube.
A person can find downsizers in several different areas of Toontown. These special areas include Toontown Central and on the ladder in Bossbots.
You cannot 'Make' a SOS toon on ToonTown you can be awarded a SOS toon by defeating the Sellbot VP. :]peace4life[:
Don't you mean "Why can't you play Toontown in Ireland?", the title doesn't make any scense
Nobody knows except the people who make Toontown but they have said it's coming in 2011.
Make an account and find out.
You type in ooo.
u can make a bot disguise but not a real bot.
It is impostable to make a cog unless you were part of making toontown
It is impostable to make a cog unless you were part of making toontown
isn't any different then normal cogs