Well if you ever have anyone on flurry, i would ask fitot, brion, or tux-' to join their guild. It the pwnage.
you can get it from a vendor or do invasions and get tokens and buy it from imperial recruiters
It varies depending on the age of the child. There isn't any blood nor cursing in SWG but I would still suggest it to be a 12+ game. It attracts mostly mature players with an extensive range of Star Wars knowledge so it might not be the best place for young children.
There are hundreds of games available for you to play. Whether or not the game is "good" is entirely up to you and your opinion. See the Related Links section below for a website with hundreds of games sorted into categories for you to pick through!
SWG stands for Sprouted Whole Grain
8 SWG = 4.064mm / 0.1600"
10 swg = how much mm what is the formula
It was a good game, but sadly it is no longer officially supported by sony and no official servers are available.
AWG is American wire gauge and SWG means Standard wire gauge .. swg+1=awg according to my calculation...
AWG= American wire guage SWG = standard wire guage
its a secret:P
12 swg current carrying capacity
24 swg gi seet weight?
what is the thickness of 24 swg Galvanised iron sheet
it is a very toughComplete ListSWGDia(mm)SWGDia(mm)SWGDia(mm)SWGDia(mm)17.6200142.0320270.4166400.121927.0104151.8288280.3759410.111836.4008161.6256290.3454420.101645.8928171.4224300.3150430.091455.3848181.2192310.2946440.081364.8768191.0160320.2743450.071174.4704200.9144330.2540460.061084.0640210.8128340.2337470.058093.6576220.7112350.2134480.0406103.2512230.6096360.1930490.0305112.9464240.5588370.1727500.0254122.6416250.5080380.1524132.2368260.4572390.1321