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red flower with honey

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Q: How do you make red flower nectar on enchanted game on ds?
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the parts of a flower that make nectar

What flower parts attract honeybees the most?

Bees want the nectar to make honey. The bees move pollen from flower to flower while they gather the nectar.

How do you make a sentence with the word nectar?

The sweet nectar from the flowers attracted butterflies to the garden.

Is the butterfly sucks the nectar of flower grammatically correct?

You need an article before the singular noun "flower" (a flower, the flower). Or make it "flowers" (plural).

What do bees eat in a flower?

They take the nectar from flowers to make honey.

What flower do bees take nectar from to make purple honey?


Why do wind pollinate flowers not make nectar or have bright colours and strong scents?

Because they don't need animals to polinate. If they make nectar or have bright colours and strong scents, it will be an animal-polinated flower. So they don't need to make nectar or have bright colour

What is the sticky powder inside a flower that helps make seeds?

nectar Soo Hyun will recommend that the powder in the flower is pollen.

What is the structures that make up the outside of the flower and may be colored or contain nectar or perfume?


What part of the flower makes the nectar?

Nectar is produced in organs called nectaries. They are usually at or near the base of the petals, but some plants have nectaries in other places such as in leaf axils or on the leaf itself.

Suppose you observed that bees prefer a yellow flower that produces more nectar over a purple flower that produces less nectar list two separate hypotheses that you might make about bees and flower?

Hypothesis 1: Bees have a color preference for yellow flowers over purple flowers, regardless of nectar production. Hypothesis 2: Bees are more likely to choose flowers based on nectar quantity rather than flower color.

How does a flower make nectar?

Flowers secrete nectar near the ovary so that they are pollinated. Nectar is usually replenished in twenty minutes after a pollinator such as a bee or hummingbird visits. The sugar is actually made in the leaves created by photosynthesis.