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To get power for your faction, first of all, you need players in it. But, these players might have a low power level because they keep dying (you can check this by typing /f power usernamehere). In order to get more power, your faction members must not die for a while. The more one dies, the less power they have, the less power the faction has.

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Q: How do you make power if your a admin for factions minecraft?
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Well that is quite illegal, first you have to hack the admin's computer, then hack into C; drive. then find the minecraft server file which says admin, then write your name and get out of there. Or just ask the admin to admin you

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Minecraft factions is a plugin that allows you to make a faction, invite people and make your own base. You can grow your faction and gain more power, and once you have enough power you can take over other people's bases and raid them, competing to be the top faction on the server.

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There are no co-leaders in factions because there can only be ONE admin in a faction, but you can make others mods by pressing /f mod usernamehere. Mods (or moderators) can kick other players that aren't mods, change titles of others, claim land, unclaim land, etc.. They have a lot of functions, but not as many as the Admin.

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Faction servers are mainly desinged for players that are into compitions in factions you can make your own faction (clan) and build a base you can go to war with other factions or make allys with others. You can gain power by inviting other players, killing others in player vs. player battles or playing more on the server. For more information about factions message me.

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You must get a mod. A few examples are factions, bigbrother, eagleeye, etc.

How can you make yourself admin on your minecraft server?

There is no direct way to become admin. alass the popoular belief of force OP is not possible. the only way to become admin is to show your loyalty to a server and try to be a good player on the server an eventually you may be able to convince the owner to make you an admin.

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You have to build up your power (by adding more people), or have an admin do /f peaceful <faction name> and that will make your faction peaceful and make it so that nobody can hurt any member of you faction

How do you make more commands as an admin on minecraft?

go youtube and find out. these stuff mostly needs notepad sticked onto the server

How do you join a faction in Minecraft?

It depends on if the server you are playing on even has factions. If so, type /f create (factionnamehere) to make one or /f join (factionnamehere) to join

How do you give someone an admin role in a faction on minecraft?

If u mean factions then all u do is: /f admin . They have to be in your faction though. If u didn't mean that then sorry.If you mean to give them the same access to the game as you do, like, letting them break blocks, build, make things, etc, then whoever is hosting the server has to add the person's "user name" to the "op's" list file. It should be in the same folder as your server file or main folder with the Minecraft app in it. There should be 4 or 5 other simple text (.txt) files like, white-list, banned-player, server.log, etc, that the Minecraft server app makes when it first starts up.Basically an Admin is always the one who host's the server, where as OP's have 90 percent of the "rights" as the Admin.Typing this in the game will do the same thing also. An Admin has to be the one to type it tho, (or someone who is also an OP)/op ---- turns a player into an op (an example, /op Creeperkiller )/deop --- removes op status from a playerLook up Minecraft server wiki for more information online.