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go YouTube and find out.

these stuff mostly needs notepad sticked onto the server

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Q: How do you make more commands as an admin on minecraft?
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In the mod Pixelmon the R key is used to send out and receive your pokemon, this key can be changed in the control settings in Minecraft Find a full list of controls, commands, servers and more in related links.

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yep but you need to turn on the cheats in order to turn it on you have to go to world settings (if you are in the creative made do don't need to turn on cheat's ) then scroll down a little then you can see a allow cheats the go to your Minecraft world ๐Ÿ—บ then in the chat they are called commends so there it lot's of commands some are given for you you will see a "/" in a box click on it so you will get some commands you can google for more commands or ask me bye for now ๐Ÿ‘‹

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It depends on which server it is. Here are some: /color /summon /spin /gun /fly /stairs /moderate and more!

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You need to make a server. I suggest looking more into that.

What can you make with gunpowder in Minecraft?

tnt. you do this but getting 5 gunpower and a bit of sand. go on minecraft wiki for more help.