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By summoning a magical fairy unicorn with Harry Potter on its back.

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Q: How do you make plush Pokemon come to life?
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Related questions

How can you make pokemon from your games real?

Pokemon is not real, so unfortunately you cannot make your pokemon come into real life.

How do you make your plush elf come to life?

put out sugar water sprinkle some magic elf north pole snow flakes on it leave it someone where no body is leave for a couple of minutes come back cause you cant see an elf doing something then it comes to life it moves while you dont watch

How do you make Pokemon come to life in real life?

I don't think that you could make Pokemon real , but wouldn't it be so cool if it was? the first Pokemon i would catch is probably Zorua and simisear

Does empire carpet have plush designs?

Empire carpets come in many designs, from functional to plush. They offer many varieties and colours of plush carpets that are sure to make any room more luxurious.

Where can you find a Saix Plush?

As far as I have come to know there isn't one. You'll have to make it yourself.

What materials do you need to make a blaze the cat plush and a rouge the bat plush?

to make blaze plush say blaze loves silver. to make rogue plush say rogue loves knuckles.

What is a plush?

plush a toy filled up with cotton to make it fluffyish

How do you make fossils come to life on Pokemon LeafGreen?

go to the Pokemon lab on cinnbar and go to the last room talk to the dude by the machine. he well transform them for you the Pokemon will be at Lv5.

Where is it possible to buy a plush Articuno toy?

The site Pokemon Zone sells the plush Articuno toys for around 26 dollars. If you do not wish to make an online transaction, you could always try the obvious places where toys are commonly sold.

Will they make How to Train Your Dragon stuffed animals?

I think they do plush toys in america. They might come to UK later though.

How do you make a Pokemon plush?

So you want to draw out the pokemon you want to make on a piece of paper and you break each bony part down by the colr it is. Then you trace those templates you drew on your felt or fabric. Then sew the cut out fabric together depending on how the pokemon looks.

How can you make a maple story plush?

Just like any other plush :D